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From the memorable iconic “Pilot Bottle”, comes the fulfilling and profound piece the “Spacer”. A detailed and gripping twist of its predecessor, but with a smaller teardrop lens frame for accessibility and design. The cool design will leave you shivering with content, as you can’t take your eyes of the mirror wearing it. You will be caught in a dilemma of what best wardrobe you’re going to wear because everything goes with this eyewear. This will definitely bring out the best in you especially with your appearance.

Lens Size 60 mm
Nose Bridge Length 12 mm
Temple Length 140 mm
Gender Men
Material Titanium
Shape Aviator
Country of Origin Japan
Front Colour Gold
Temple Colour Gold
Lens Colour Green Gradient
Style Tip This shape goes well with all face shapes depending on the size of the eyewear. To learn more, please refer to our